Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Emeriti consists of the elected officers, the chairs of our standing committees, and those appointed to other positions by the president. (We always are in need of more volunteers to keep our organization running smoothly. If you are interested in serving on a committee or in another position, please contact us.)
Title | Member |
President | Paul Miller |
Vice President | Owen Holmes |
Secretary | Patty Sexton |
Treasurer | Richard Deming |
Immediate Past President | Dorothy Heide |
Academic Senate Representative | Paul Miller |
Chair, Scholarship Committee | Tony Rimmer |
Coordinator, Book Sale Center | TBA |
CSU-ERFSA Representatives | Vince Buck & Diana Guerin |
Webmaster | Mark Shapiro |
At-large |
Vacant |
At-large | Nelson Woodard |
In addition to the Executive Committee Members Pat O'Donnell serves as Emeriti Photographer, and Isabel Alba in the Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion Office (ialba@shorinji-kempo.net) is our liaison for Emeriti Parking and Benefits issues. The Emeriti Directory now is maintained by University Advancement. To update your information in the Emeriti Directory, please send an email to emeritiupdate@shorinji-kempo.net