Endowment Funds

The Emeriti maintain three endowment funds.  One is used to support Emeriti Memorial Scholarships. Another endowment was funded by a very generous gift to the university from the estate of Russell V. Benson, Professor of Mathematics Emeritus.  This fund, the Russell and Betty L. Benson Emeriti Scholarship Fund, is used to support Russell V Benson and Betty L. Benson Emeriti Scholarships.  The third endowment fund is used to support the University Library.

We encourage donations to our Emeriti Memorial Scholarship Fund and our Library Endowment from members and friends.  The following link can be used to make donations:

http://give.shorinji-kempo.net/emeritiOpens in new window


Scholarship Funds

The Emeriti Memorial Scholarship Fund was initiated by Gertrude Reith during her presidency of the association in 1987. There are currently three scholarships supported by the Emeriti. The first two are Emeriti Memorial Scholarships that are open to full-time upper-division and graduate students from any major. Each year one Emeriti Memorial scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate, and one to a graduate student.  The third scholarship is a yearly donation to the Guardian Scholars program that supports students who are leaving the foster care system and who have met university requirements for admission.

The Russell V. Benson and Betty L. Benson Emeriti Scholarship Fund was created in 2014 as part of the gift to the university from Professor Benson's estate, which also funded scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Mathematics and provided a gift to the Fullerton Arboretum.  The first Benson Emeriti Scholarships will be awarded in 2015.

Annual donations from our members and gifts from family and friends of deceased emeriti are the principal sources of the endowment. Our Bylaws stipulate that awards are given each year from the interest generated on the account. As the endowments grow so too does the interest that can be used to increase the amount of the awards given each year and/or increase the number of scholarships that will be available.

Library Fund

In February 1998, the CSUF Emeriti officially established the Emeriti Library Endowment Fund. Income from this account will be used, at the direction of the Executive Committee, to help build collections in the CSUF Library. We urge all emeriti, as well as others from the university community, to support this fund.